Users:PrePostProcessing/RhinoPost/Installation Developer
From Carat++ Public Wiki
In order to set up the developer's environment one need the following:
- Rhino 5
- Rhino SDK5.0
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
- QT Creator 4
- QT Library 4
- boost library (boost_1_55 works, boost_1_63 doesn't work, in between unknown)
- Rhino 6
- Rhino SDK6.0
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
- QT Creator 5, if you want to change the GUI
- QT Library 5 for MSVC2017_64
- boost library (boost_1_66 works)
Contents |
Rhino 5
Rhino SDK 5.0
You need to download and install the actual Rhinoceros SDK . Version 5.0 does only support MS Visual Studio 2010.
- The actual set-up works with QT 4 (Date 19.01.2017). The respective exe-file for MS Visual Studio 2010 (qt-win-opensource-4.8.4-vs2010.exe) can be download on [1].
- Copy the library qt/vs2010 into your libraries folder.
- The following paths have to be set in cmake_personal_input.dat:
set(CARAT_ROOT "C:/carat") set(LIB_BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR "C:/carat/libraries/boost/actual_boost") set(LIB_RHINO5 "C:/Program Files (x86)/Rhino 5.0 x64 SDK") set(QT4DIR64 "C:/carat/libraries/qt/vs2010/4.8.4-dyn-64bit")
- Choose the respective carat/src folder for the source code
- Choose or create a respective build folder
- Delete the cache, if you are not using Visual Studio 10 2010 Win64 as default native compilers and press "Configure".
- Choose the packages by unchecking everything beside BUILD_RHINO_PLUG_IN_SDK5.
- Press "Configure"
- Press "Generate"
MS Visual Studio
- Copy QtCore4.dll, QtCored4.dll, QtGui4.dll, QtGuid4.dll in the Debug and Release folder.
- Open the project and choose interface_rhino as startproject.
- Open the properties of the project --> configuration properties --> Debug
- Debug configuration: Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rhino 5.0 x64 SDK\Bin\x64\Rhino5x64_d.exe
- Release configuration: Command: C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5.0 (64-bit)\System\Rhino.exe
Rhino 6
Rhino SDK 6.0
You need to download and install the actual Rhinoceros SDK . Version 6.0 does only support MS Visual Studio 2017.
- The actual set-up works with QT 5 (Date 08.03.2017).
- The following paths have to be set in cmake_personal_input.dat:
set(CARAT_ROOT "C:/carat") set(LIB_BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR "C:/carat/libraries/boost/actual_boost") set(LIB_RHINO6 "C:/Program Files/Rhino 6.0 SDK") set(QT5DIR64 "C:/Qt") or respective path
- Choose the respective carat/src folder for the source code
- Choose or create a respective build folder
- Delete the cache, if you are not using Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 as default native compilers and press "Configure".
- Choose the packages by unchecking everything beside BUILD_RHINO_PLUG_IN_SDK6 and USE_WITH_JSON.
- Press "Configure"
- Press "Generate"
MS Visual Studio
- Copy Qt5Core.dll, Qt5Cored.dll, Qt5Gui.dll, Qt5Guid.dll, Qt5Widgets.dll, Qt5Widgetsd.dll in the Debug and Release folder.
- Go to ../boost/stage/lib and copy all boost_xxx-vc141-mt-gd-x64-1_66.lib and and rename them by libboost_xxx-vc141-mt-gd-x64-1_66.lib.
- Create a folder "platforms" in the Debug and Release folder and copy qwindows.dll and qwindowsd.dll from ../QT/5.10.0/msvc2017_64/plugins/platforms.
- Open the project and choose interface_rhino as startproject.
- Open the properties of the project --> configuration properties --> Debug
- Release configuration: Command: C:\Program Files\Rhino6\System\Rhino.exe (Note that there is no debug modus for Rhino 6. In order to debug you have to run a release with debug information)
- Open the properties of the project --> configuration properties --> C/C++ --> Code generation
- Debug configuration: Set Runtime Check to Standard for every project
- Open the Property Manager and add Rhino.Cpp.PlugIn.props to Debug|x64 and Release|x64 of interface_rhino (cf. Add property sheets)
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