Users:Geometry Generation/Design Loads
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Neumann boundary conditions can be applied to design elements with respect to their parametric coordinates.
Example of a Complete Input Block
!=================================================================== ! ID TYPE DE-EL LOC COOR D1 D2 D3 VAL !=================================================================== DE-LOAD 1 DEAD 1 u=10.0 D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 VAL = 1 DE-LOAD 2 DEAD 1 D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 VAL = 1 LD-CURVE 1 DE-LOAD 3 MOMENT 1 DE-BREP 1 D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 VAL = 1 DE-LOAD 4 DEAD 1 u=5~7 v=3~10 D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 VAL = 1 !values for u and v have to be knots !!Load type not necessarily defined for element type !DEAD, DEAD_FL + D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 ! dead load in defined direction !SNOW, SNOW_FL + D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 ! snow load from defined direction !PRES, PRES_FL ! pressure load perpendicular to surface !CENTRIFUGAL + D1=1.0 D2=0.0 D3=0.0 VAL=1 CTR_PT = 0,0,0 ! centrifugal load accounting for a rotating with constant rotational velocity body acting along axis (D1,D2,D3) around CTR_PT with amplitude VAL (VAL = rotationalVelocity*density*thickness) !MOMENT_TAN ! moment around center line = nurbs curve !MOMENT_G1, MOMENT_G1_FL ! moment around G1 / g1 (base vector of the geometric description of the element) !MOMENT_POINT + D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 ! single moment around defined axis !MOMENT + D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 ! (single) moment around defined axis !PAR_G1 ! load in g1 direction (has to be tested) !PAR_G2 ! load in g2 direction (has to be tested) !TEMP ! temperature load, equally distributed (+- epsilon) !DELTA_TEMP (+ D1=-1 D2=0 D3=0 ) ! temperature load with gradiant over thickness (in defined direction) (+- kappa)
In order to activate them, they have to be added to the respective load combination.
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