Users:General FEM Analysis/Data Output/Rhinoceros

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General Description

The Rhino postprocessor is developed at the chair as a plug-in for Rhinoceros. More information about Rhinoceros is provided on their web page [1]. The visualization data of the respective inputfiles (out.georhino.txt , out.paramrhino.txt, out.paramlinesrhino.txt, can be manipulated.

Input Parameters

The block mainly consists of switches which can be set to a value equal 1 (on) or a value equals 0 (off).

Block headline
Parameter Values, Default(*) Description
PC-OUT int : RHINO ID and type of output object.
Parameters for analysis data
Parameter Values, Default(*) Description
GEOM int (0) Output of mesh geometry and topology (output_file_name.georhino.txt). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
DISP int (0) Output of nodal displacements ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
STRESS int (0) Output of element stresses on the Gausspoints ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
STRESS_LINES int (0) Output of brep-element stresses ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid. (currently not working)
NODAL_STRESS int (0) Output of element stresses projected to the control points ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
STRESS_DIRECTION int (0) Output of element stress directions (principle stress directions). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
SUPPORT_FORCE int (0) Output of nodal support forces ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
RESULT_MINMAX int (0) Output of minimal and maximal values of every result type (output_file_name.postinfo.res). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid. (currently no output & not readable for RhinoPost)
Auxiliary parameters
Parameter Values, Default(*) Description
GAUSS_POINTS int (0) Output of the position of the Gauss points in parameter space. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
GAUSS_POINTS_GEO int (0) Output of the position of the Gauss points in geometry space (output_file_name.georhino.text). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
COUPLING_POINTS int (0) Output of the position of the coupling points in geometry space (output_file_name.georhino.text). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
PAR_LINES int (0) if output_file_name.paramrhino.txt is printed (output_file_name.paramrhino.text). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
PAR_TRIM int (0) if output_file_name.paramrhino.txt is printed (output_file_name.paramrhino.text). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
FPN int (0) Switch output syntax to floating point data. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
PREC int (0) Number of digits of floating point data. Parameters in the range from 1 to 16 are valid.
SUPPORT_POS int (0) Output of the position of the supports(currently only point and line supports) (output_file_name.georhino.text). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
LOAD_POS int (0) Output of the position of the loads (currently only point and line loads) (output_file_name.georhino.text). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
ELE_PROPS int (0) Output of specific data assigned to elements (currently only material data). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
CROSS_SECTION int (0) Output of the base vectors of the cross section at every Gauss point (currently only for BEAM_3D_NURBS_KLRod) ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
DELTA_DISP int (0) Output of the difference of the displacements w.r.t. the defined time step (nodal displacements - nodal displacements of time step int) ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
GAUSS_POINTS_DISP int (0) Output of the displacements of the gauss points (currently: on Nurbs1D & Nurbs2D) ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
GAUSS_POINTS_AREA int (0) Output of integration lengths in u- and v- direction and the integration area dA of the gauss points (currently: on Nurbs1D & Nurbs2D) ( The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
OUTPUT_FILE_NAME string (out) Prefix of the output files.
OUTPUT_FREQUENCY int (1) Output data is printed for every nth step of the analysis.
RESTART_FILE int (0) Restart file is generated. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
Parameters for optimization data (readable, but no output created)
Parameter Values, Default(*) Description
DESIGN_VARIABLE int (0) Output of design variables. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
PURE_GRAD int (0) Output of pure gradients (not filtered). The parameter 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
SMOOTH_GRAD int (0) Output of smooth gradients. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
SEARCH_DIRECTION int (0) Output of search direction. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
DESIGN_UPDATE int (0) Output of design update. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
VARIABLE_BOUND int (0) Output of variable bounds. The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.
OPT_DESIGN int (0) Output of optimized design (mesh data). The parameters 1 (yes) and 0 (no) are valid.

Input Example

Example of a complete input block:

PC-OUT 1 : RHINO                                                                                                                                       (default) filename
  GEOM=1                    !Geometry (e.g. NURBS surfaces)                                                                                             out.georhino.txt
  DISP=1                    !Displacements on control points (=FE nodes)                                                                      
  STRESS=1                  !Stresses at quadrature(evaluation) points (required for trimmed surfaces)                                        
  NODAL_STRESS=1            !Stresses mapped to control points (can be used for untrimmed surfaces)                                           
  !STRESS_LINES=1           !Stresses at boundary quadrature points (stresses can be visualized in Rhino by lines _|_ to surface) (long time no test)
  GAUSS_POINTS=1            !Output of quadrature points in parameter space (recommended just for one patch)                                            out.paramrhino.txt
  GAUSS_POINTS_GEO=1        !Output of quadrature points in geometry space                                                                              out.georhino.txt
  COUPLING_POINTS=1         !Output of coupling points in geometry space                                                                                out.georhino.txt
  !PAR_LINES=1              !Output of trimming curves in parameter space (file out.paramrhino.txt)                                                     out.paramrhino.txt
  PAR_TRIM=1                !Output of trimming curves in parameter space (file out.paramrhino.txt)                                                     out.paramrhino.txt
  PREC=5                    !precision of float numbers
  FPN=1                     !1 scientific notation; 0 fixed notation
  OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = benchmark_example   !name of output files (e.g. "out" is replaced by "benchmark_example"



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