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WHAT IS Carat++?

Carat++ is a finite element program for simulation, structural optimization and form finding.

The software is the result of a complete redesign of CARAT, the research code at the Chair of Structural Analysis, Prof. Dr. K.-U. Bletzinger, TU Muenchen.

Standard FE Analyses

The kernel of Carat++ is a general finite element solver. Details can be found here. It offers the following analyses:

  • Static (linear/nonlinear)
  • Dynamic (linear/nonlinear)
    • Explicit: central difference
    • Implicit: Newmark-β, Generalized-α
  • Eigenfrequency
  • Linear Buckling
  • Contact (Work in Progress)
  • Interface for coupled analyses like fluid-structure interaction (FSI)

Isogeometric Analyses

The kernel of Carat++ is also a general finite element solver for isogeometric analysis (IGA). Details can be found here. It offers the following analyses:

  • Static (linear/nonlinear)
  • Form Finding
  • Eigenfrequency

Structural Optimization

Carat++ comprises a general-purpose optimization toolbox. The main application field is FEM-based shape optimization. Detailed information about the optimization toolbox and its features can be found here.

shape optimization of a pressure bulkhead
Eigenfrequency optimization of a car rear shelf

Form Finding and Cutting Pattern Generation

Carat++ can perform numerical form finding as well as cutting pattern generation. Detailed information can be found in separate chapters here.

Formfinding of a prestressed membrane with an eye cable.


Three main features are:

  • Carat++ is platform independent
Carat++ is platform independent
  • Carat++ is suitable for large problems
(due to massively parallel programming)
Suitable for large problems
  • Carat++ is modular and thus easily extensible
(due to object-oriented programming)
Modular and thus easy extensible
Domain decomposition for parallel computing

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