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From Carat++ Public Wiki
Revision as of 13:51, 11 January 2011 by Michi (Talk | contribs)
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shape optimization of a pressure bulkhead
Eigenfrequency optimization of a car rear shelf
Domain decomposition for parallel computing

Welcome to the Carat++ wiki!

The purpose of this resource is

  • to promote collaboration between Carat++ users.
  • to offer a forum for questions, discussions and suggestions about Carat++.
  • to provide a basic knowledge base that can be used by both existing and new users
  • to demonstrate the capabilities of Carat++ (perhaps after some time).

WHAT IS Carat++?

Carat++ is a finite element program for simulation, structural optimization and form finding. The software is the result of a complete redesign of CARAT, the research code at the [of Structural Analysis, Prof. Dr. K.-U. Bletzinger, TU Muenchen]. More detailed information about the features of Carat++ can be found here.

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