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This page shows how Carat++ can be compiled under a Linux environment. The guide was tested with the following software versions:

  1. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  2. gcc 5.4.0
  3. git 2.7.4
  4. CMake 3.5.1
  5. Boost 1.63.0
  6. MKL ????


Linux Version

In this installation guide Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is used.

Carat++ installation was tested also under the following Linux distributions:

  1. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  2. Ubunut 14.04 LTS
  3. TODO please add more if you tested it there


The compiler used in this guide is gcc 5.4.0.


Git is used as version control system. It is needed to download the Carat++ source code. Check which version is installed:

git --version

If it is not installed yet, install the latest version:

sudo apt-get install git

Get the source code

To get the Carat++ source code navigate to the directory where you want to store the code, e.g.:


Download the code with git. You need to log in wit your LDAP login:

git clone [USERNAME]@

Create directory for build and libraries

Navigate to the carat root directory, previously downloaded:

mkdir build

Create a directory "build" and a directory "libs":

mkdir libs


Install the latest CMake version

sudo apt-get install cmake

It is recommended to use a tool (in this guide ccmake is used) to set all the compiler flags defined in the CMakeLists.txt:

sudo apt-get install ccmake


Get the latest boost library from Download and unpack it. Copy the unpacked folder with the version number into the "carat/libs" directory.

Compile Carat

User Settings

First of all it is necessary to set some paths depending on where you stored the carat source and libs.

Navigate to the Carat++ source directory and make a copy of the "cmake_personal_input.template" to "cmake_personal_input.dat".

cp cmake_personal_input.template cmake_personal_input.dat

In this file you find the following part with commented lines where you have to set your user defined paths:

# set directories paths


#set(CARAT_ROOT "C:/carat")
#set(LIB_BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR "C:/carat/libs/boost_1_63_0")
#set(LIB_BOOST_DIR "C:/carat/libs/boost_1_63_0/boost")
#set(LIB_MKL_DIR "C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/mkl")

With the paths used in this installation guid the block should look like:

# set directories paths


set(CARAT_ROOT "~/software/carat")
set(LIB_BOOST_INCLUDE_DIR "~/software/carat/libs/boost_1_63_0")
set(LIB_BOOST_DIR "~/software/carat/libs/boost_1_63_0/boost")
#set(LIB_MKL_DIR "C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/mkl")

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